Saturday 28 March 2015

Garam Masala


Hello all my readers today I am goiing to tell you about the use and important of garam masala in various cooking. more people get confuse about the main ingredients of garam masala, but today I am going to make it simple for you. Although there are mainly two different varietes of garam masala that are being used in cooking, one is "whole garam masala" and "powdered garam masala". Today I am going to tell you differnt combinations that are used to make garm masala. Each combination has its own use .
The more literally means “hot spices” which enhances the taste of food. This is mostly in powdered form. It is blended for more than one spice,, Each spice has a specific and unique aroma. It plays an important role in marination of kebabs and in gravies.
Garam masala are often chef,s own combination of spices. To make any blend/mix, it is important to be aware of spices and their charactersics. There are many versions of masalas. Every chef has its own combination. There are basically two blends of garam masala. One is chill hot and the other comprise aromatic.
Its use in kebab during marinatioin and in some kebabs it is sprinkled over after cooking to provide aromatic flavouring at the time of serving. One often sees some people sprinkle tandoori masala over kebabs after coking. I would not advise this as I think its over spice the kebabs, kills the specific aroma of meat and makes all the kebabs alike.
The art of preparing garam masala involves grinding or powdering a combination of dried spices and condiments. Spices are lightly roasted on griller or on a slow flame till a subtle aroma emanates. Remove from fire and grind. Sieve finely. If the masala is still moist, dry it and store in an air – tight jar for further use. For the benefits of the readers who would like to prepare garam masam, i have listed ingredients and the method on next page.


Whole red chilli – 500gm
Whole cumin – 500gm
Coriander seeds – 500gm
Sahi jeera – 150gm
Kebab chini – 100gm

Put al the ingredients in a mortar and pound with a pestle to make a fine powder.
Sieve in air tight container, dry container.

Gross weight : 1750gm
Yield : 1650gm

Shenshai Kebab Masala

Cloves – 300gm
Bayleaf – 250gm
Kebab Chini – 50gm

Follow the same steps as above.

Sughandit Masala

Javitri – 200gm
Cardamom – 200gm

Follow the same steps as above ,

Gulabi masala 

Dry rose petals – 500gm
Follow the same steps as above.


Coriander seeds – 400gm
Cumin – 400gm
Shahi Jeera – 100gm
Rose Petals – 250 gm
Javitri – 150gm
Cinamon – 150gm
Black pepper – 100gm
Bayleaf – 100gm
Star anise – 60gm
Green Cradamom – 30gm
Black cardamom – 50gm
Cloves – 30gm
Nutmeg – 30gm

Clean and roast all the ingredients to remove moisture.
Put al the ingredients in to mortare and pastle to make fine powder.
Sieve and store in air tight container.


Stone flower – 80gm
Dal Jhare – 30 gm
Bayleaf – 30gm
Rose petals – 80gm
Clove – 40gm
Cinnamon – 40gm
Black Papper – 230gm
Kebab Chini – 50gm
Mace – 30 gm
Sandal wood – 40gm
Black Cardamom – 20gm
Green Cardamom – 20gm
Cumin Seeds – 20 gm

Slightly clean and roast ingredients to remove excess moisture.
Put al the ingredients in blender/mortar and pound with pestle.
Sieve and store in air tight container.


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